Sunday, May 27, 2012

kalau aku kaya

assalamualaikum wbt...

dengar tajuk macam dah lucu kan.."kalau aku kaya"..haha...sebenarnya kan aku nak cerita sikit..this is about university offered that i got today and last few days...i got offered from KLMU and today i got an offered from UNIKL...i got UNIKL-MFI..what is MFI???...MFI means "malaysian france institute"..
sound interesting right???" kalau aku kaya" "mungkin"i will accept...tapi kata orang kita tak tahu apa yang akan berlaku di masa just pray and pray and continue praying...private university is quite expensive..nak terima tawaran pun kena bayar rm250..tu belum masuk bayaran pengajian..tapi tak tahu lah sebab orang kata UNIKL bawah MARA so we can apply scholarship or pinjaman kan...

whatever it is i will waiting for UPU..i had been finished updating my application yesterday and i hope i will get one of the courses that i applied... ammiiinnnn...pray for me please..hehe..
ops!!! i forgot to tell you the course that i got from UNIKL..i got bachelor in engineering technology in automotive maintenance...FUHHHH!!!!too long you know..if anyone asked me what is the course i have to take in breath for a few seconds and talk with one breath..heheehe...can faint if like this...(its metaphor okay..wakakaa)..

im sure all my friends have same situation with me right???just say it dont shy..hahaha..before, i being the same situation after i got SPM result..a lot of private university offered me in foundation..for example, masterskill, segi college, and uniten..before i studied foundation in UM..i went to UNITEN first for about 1 month i think...experience in UNITEN????

hahaa...hanya aku saja yang tahu betapa "SERONOK" belajar kat UNITEN..kenapa???nak tahu ke???personally asked me okay...sepupu aku yang lain belajar kat UNITEN ok je..grade lagi tu..aku kot yang problem sebab tu jadi macam tu kan..hahaa..tapi mungkin sebab aku ni jodoh kat UM sebab tu aku tak sesuai kat UNITEN..aku gi UM ok lagi tu..haha..

tapi sekarang situasi yang dulu belaku lagi..confuse in choosing the right university for our sake...rahsianya cuma satu je...berdoa..kalau kita asyik berdoa mohon petunjuk insyaAllah Tuhan akan bagi petunjuk...macam tu la kepercayaan aku...aku tahu Tuhan itu ada sebab tu Dia uji aku macam tu..kepada lepasan SPM siapa2 je yang nak minta bantuan i willingly will help me..just leave your message either in fb or twitter i will reply memandangkan tengah free..huhu

eh2...lupa nak story..selain UNIKL dengan KLMU...CITY university pun called aku...CITY U yang called aku first2..hehe..siap suruh pergi temuduga...korang rasa aku pergi tak????konfem la tak pergi..sebab kalau interview scholarship ok gak tapi kalau setakat masuk private u baik x payah la...bukan tak nak usaha tapi sebab aku tak pernah dengar feedback pasal u ni sebab tu la....apa yang penting BERDOA!!!!

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