Tuesday, May 22, 2012

suri rumah tangga

hye everyone...
assalamualaikum wbt...

"surirumah tangga" is a quite heavy responsibility that must be carry out by woman out there when they got married...i really thanked to my mom for carry out this responsibility in a good way...

why i said like that???u guys nak tau x skrg ni aku menjalankan tanggungjwb sbg mak, ayh, kakak dan anak...mna tak nya klau parents xde kat umah aku la yg kna bertanggungjawab smua ni...dri pagi aku bangun tros mandi..pastu kna msk bekfas kat adik walaupun adik sorang ja..klau byk leh pengsan aku jdinya...sabo je la~~~..lpas msk bekfas kna kmas bilik tido pastu kumpul2 baju then suruh org gaji Jepun basuh(washing machine bak kata Nabila Huda..ahha)..nasib baik ada mesin basuh klau guna tgn mmg aku bubuh dlm bonet kete pastu gi dobi..hahah...ayh aku bgi duit suruh wat beli mknn aku wat gi dobi baju...wakakaka...xkan aku nak tgn aku keras mcm batu semata-mata nak basuh baju yg berlonggok tu...cukup la kat U je aku basuh guna tgn kat umah kita gunakan kemudahan yg ada kan...x gitu readers...

lpas tu plak for sure kna sidai baju ( things that i really hate to do)..tunduk,amik baju, n sidai..ulang byk2 kali smpai habis smua baju...huh! peluh menitik...sweat gland aku mmg aktif kali ni...wahahaa...then kmas satu umah..sapu dri dapur hinggalah ke ruang tamu...(x termasuk bilik tidur)..
unfortunately im no a princess that live in a castle...if so i have to clean up the whole castle maybe..(igt x de bibik ke???ntah2 bibik tu lebih rmai dri penghuni castle tu..wawawa)
then take a break with blogging...hehe...

spe ckp dah selesai ha???masak lunch plak..my sista asyik lapar je...sje la tu nak dera kakak dia...bla org masak komplen je memanjang..besalah bkn master lagi masak..klau masak air tu master la..hahaa

1.telur goreng(yg ni mesti ada sbb ni je yg pandai..hehe)
2.bergedil daging(walaupun rupa x secantik mak aku wat at least bleh masuk perut gak)
3.smbal sotong (nasib baik mak aku wat smbal siap2 cuma bubuh sotong dgn yg lain2 je..)

ok tu je yg aku  masak..kira ok la tu kan???bleh kwen la tu kan??haha...klau ada yg sanggup nak mkn telur hari2 bleh je..huhu..

korang tahu x??lpas aku msk smua benda tu..dah elok2 hidang atas meja..ambil pinggan apa smua..baru aku teringat...aku x masak NASI lagi...waaaaaaaaaa....tension weh!!!!

now im waiting for my lovely nasi...be patient my sista..1st time be a "full housewive"...what can i do...im forgot..haha..whatever it is today i finally finished my duties...(at this time)..so i really proud to my mom because she can handled all those things and also can be patient while treat her children hassles.now i realize duty on all mommies out there no as easy as we seen..HAPPY MOTHER"S DAY TO MY MOM...for me all days is mother's day....


Shafiqah Rashid said...

kahkah XD

fatin aziz said...

nak wat lagu mna..x sengaja..haha..weh follow kmi weh..kmi dah delete blog lma..so mintak smpati la ni..hehe