Thursday, April 18, 2013

I'm The Super Duper Busy Women


Hai korang...Memandangkan every friday i have no class so its time for me to spent my time with my super duper cutie blog. I think. :P hahaha..So mungkin korang terkejut tetiba blog ni sunyi sepi senyap gelap gelita tanpa sebarang perkhabaran sedangkan minggu lepas habis satu satu entry aku post kan.

Ha..Mai sini orang-orang bandar aku nak cakap. Aku bukan hilang tetapi aku super duper busy dengan kuliah,test 1&2 (every night), lab test, assignment yang semakin rancak wat pengumuman kat portal, kelas ganti (postpone sejam ganti 2 jam. TERBAIK!!) dan bla bla bla.

So tell me. When i will have much time to publish and create a new entry?? Everyone has 24 hours but im using that 24 hours to do that and this and that again. OMG!!! Ko mengeluh fatin???Oh no of course not. Nak gempak je lebih. Actually masa tu ada cuma kemalasan untuk membahagikan masa dengan betul itu malas.

Contohnya, malas nak on laptop, malas nak study awal-awal so bila dah esok exam baru tergopoh-gapah, ketuk bilik kawan tu kawan ni minta tolong, mesej kawan tu kawan ni mintak soalan spot dengan harapan boleh increase my speed of study in high level and skip the part that not important and after exam i will cry because the part i skipped came out in exam and directly brainwash myself like "its okay still have a chance next time. Lets study now to make sure you will not regret after this."

Tetapi semua ni cuma berjalan selama seminggu. After a week, it came back to normal. A LAZY STUDENT!

So to all people and bloggers out there, DONT DO THIS. But i know you will do this. I mean last minute study.This is an universal behaviors that all people face it.  Wakakakaka..

Thats all. Bubye..

p/s: Over ko mak jemah berSPEAKING ENGLISH gitu~~~~ :P
Lots of luv,
Fatin Aziz...


Unknown said...

Sebelum menyesal..lebih baik study dari awal..huuhuuu

fatin aziz said...

thats right :)

Mysara Ab Rahman said...

jd student masa pling busy bila nk ujug2..test, kuiz, presentation sume serentak berpusu2..
mmg hadoi! :p

fatin aziz said...

tu la kan..awal2 relax jer..hehe